Project: Introduction of the HGK quality mark: Croatian quality

Obtaining the HGK quality mark opens up the possibility of increasing the market for the sale of products from the company’s range. Sale of products from the assortment of natural vinegars on the market of the Republic of Croatia and foreign markets.

With the introduction of the “Croatian quality” sign, we expect increased added value in marketing the range of natural vinegars from our product range. As already stated, the placement of this sign from individual studies shows an increase in turnover of up to 30%, which opens up space for new activities in the production and marketing of vinegars on the market of the Republic of Croatia, but also in the countries of the European Union.

In this way, space and funds are created for investing in the modernization of production, but also investments in marketing activities, such as better positioning of products on the shelves of retail chains as well as smaller and larger retail houses. In order to achieve better results and follow current trends and customer demands, it is also necessary to take measures to modernize the look of the packaging, especially the design of the labels, which greatly contribute to the acceptability of the customers and the final decision as to which product to take/buy from the shelf.

Such activities open the possibility of a larger market share compared to the competition, and thus create preconditions for investing in the “Croatian quality” sign in the post-project period as well.

Investing in promotional campaigns such as “Buy Croatia”, “Croatian product for Croatian tourism”, participation in agricultural product fairs (VIROEXPO, “Zagorski Gospodarski Sajam”…) guarantees additional recognition of our product on the market of the Republic of Croatia, and considering the significant participation of European countries of the Union at said fairs, and on markets outside Croatia.

Of course, in order to retain the right to use the “Croatian quality” sign, continuous monitoring of the quality level of our products is indispensable, which we ensure by continuing the traditional method of production as it has been for more than sixty years.


The total value of the project is HRK 40,500.00

The project implementation period is from 2019 to 2022